Yuki Tanabe
Google Developers Expert, Licensed Scrum Master
Twitter: @_tanabee (ja), @tanabee_en (en)
Presentation - GDG DevFest Japan 2020
GDG DevFest 2020 にて「Google Apps Script 入門 2020」 というタイトルでオンライン登壇しました

Article - Top 30 Useful Google Apps Script Snippets
I introduced my favorite 30 Google Apps Script snippets. These snippets will save your time. ( English / Japanese )

Presentation - GDG Baku 2019 in Azerbaijan
Gave a presentation and Hands-on session about Google Apps Script in Baku, Azerbaijan.

Interview - Interviewed by itmedia

Presentation - Google Cloud Next ’18 in Tokyo
Cloud Next にて「Google Apps Sctipt で始める PRA」というタイトルで登壇しました

Presentation - iOS 8 / Swift study session
Yahoo! JAPAN にて iOS 8/Swift 勉強会を開催し、「iOS 8 Widget 導入から Tips まで」というタイトルで登壇しました。

Open Source

Visualize OKR tree based on Spreadsheet data using Apps Script

Custom templates of CRA (create-react-app)
- cra-template-min: Minimal template
- cra-template-mui: Material-UI template
- cra-template-tanabee: My favorite template
Vice President
Engineering Manager
- Became the first Scrum Master and installed Scrum to all product teams
- Joined the company as the 3rd engineer and increased the number of engineers to 70
- Improved internal routine work and reduced work by 500 hours per month
- Installed OKR to my department and developed a tool to visualize goals with Google Apps Script
- Designed a data pipeline of learning data using GCP
- Released a learning platform as a product owner
VR Engineer
Joined the startup and released a social VR application for Oculus, HTC Vive
Web Engineer / iOS Lead Engineer
- Joined the Yahoo! Map application renewal project as an iOS Lead Engineer
- Released Women's social network app for iOS
- Released an in-house task management service
- Built some private teams and released several iOS apps. Achieved one million downloads
Released a social VR application for Oculus, HTC Vive

Yahoo! MAP
Renewaled the Yahoo! JAPN MAP application

Built small team in private and released to App Store. Delete photos efficiently, organize camera roll and save memory

The University of Tokyo
Keio University
- Google Developers Expert
- Licensed Scrum Master
- Architecting with Google Cloud Platform
- Data Engineering on Google Cloud Platform
React.js, Google Apps Script, JavaScript, Node.js, Firebase, Python, Google Cloud Platform, RPA, Growth Hack, Unity